Research & Opinions

The 3 Top AI Chatbot APIs To Use In 2024

Find the best chatbot APIs that you can use to develop your own chatbot applications, including Locusive's chatbot API, which lets you plug in, query, and chat with your data automatically.
Shanif Dhanani
3.5 minutes

With the advent of Generative AI, chatbots are going to be everywhere in the near future. But it's not easy to build a chatbot yourself. You need to handle seamless integration with custom data sources, adjust for conversational interfaces, and create guardrails for your bot so that your users don't get hallucinated or otherwise undesirable responses.

Building a chatbot the right way takes dedication and effort, but fortunately, there are a lot of tools available for you to help. Vector databases make it easy for you to store and retrieve contextual data on demand. LLM APIs make it easy to ask questions and get answers in a conversational format. Existing chat apps like Slack and Discord make it easy for you to build your own bots. But there aren't many tools for you to tie all these together into a single product.

Fortunately, we've put together a list of the top APIs that you can use to create your own custom AI chatbot that works with your data and follows your brand.

What exactly does a chatbot API do?

Building a chatbot yourself from scratch isn't easy. But when you use the right chatbot API, a lot of the hard work will be done for you. The right API will let you easily store and retrieve data on-demand, automatically create chat responses by using the most relevant data from your knowledge base, and provide you with relevant, conversational responses to your users' questions, all using a programmatic interface.

Below, we've identified the top three chatbots APIs for you to use in 2023.

3 best chatbot APIs in 2023

The chatbot APIs below will make it easy for you to create your own custom AI chatbot without having to spend a ton of time on building your own infrastructure, so you can focus on getting back to helping your users solve their problems.

1. Locusive's data search and chat API

Locusive's API makes it easy for you to build your own custom AI chatbot that's connected to your data sources and knowledge base. Powered by ChatGPT, but integrated with your own data so you can avoid hallucinations and fake responses, the API makes it easy for you to run chat messages that automatically include relevant context from your data sources so you get trusted answers with cited sources. You can also use the API to insert or query your documents, making it easy to build things like internal search engines or knowledge base apps without involving chat messages at all.

The best part of the API is that it automatically indexes your data for you, without you having to provide any embeddings, and it allows you to list out all of the documents that you've added to your knowledge base.

2. Slack's API for creating chatbots

Slack is a popular chat application that's widely used across many industries and business, and they have a custom API that lets you build your own bot that's accessible within their chat application. By using their API, you'll get "events" that are sent to your backend API, and you can choose how to best respond to those events. Slack's API makes it easy to plug in to your existing Slack workspace, but doesn't automatically integrate with any of your company's data or applications. You'll need to build the backend logic that queries all your data, plugs into an LLM to provide intelligent responses, and support your own search and authentication infrastructure to use your trusted data within your chatbot.

3. Chatbase API

Chatbase lets you develop chatbots for your website, and they provide an API that makes it easy to plug in and chat with your data. Their API makes it easy for you to create and update your chatbots, but you'll need to use their frontend to connect and manage the trusted data sources that will power your bot. Fortunately, their bots will also plug in to LLMs, providing you with automatic smart and intelligent responses.


Image by vectorjuice on Freepik