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GPT-3 VS. GPT-4: Which model is better for your chatbot?

In this comparison guide, learn how ChatGPT GPT-3 and GPT-3 models compare to each other to help you decide which one to use for your chatbot needs.
Shanif Dhanani
4.3 minutes

Artificial intelligence (AI) has ushered in an era of generative AI models that are game-changers across industries. OpenAI's GPT-3 (3.5 in its latest version) and its bigger brother GPT-4, are two of the most used models today. GPT-4 is more powerful than GPT-3 but does come with some caveats.  How do they measure up against each other? And which one should you use as your personal assistant or to create your enterprise chatbots? Let's delve into their intricacies.

GPT-3 and GPT-4: AI's Leaps and Bounds

Introduced as an upgrade to GPT-2 in 2020, GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) made significant strides in AI capabilities. It’s estimated to have billions of parameters and has set a new benchmark for natural language processing, enabling the proliferation of personal assistants and chatbots. GPT-3 could handle tasks from completing text to answering questions, translating languages, and summarizing lengthy documents.

Fast forward to 2023, OpenAI upped the ante with the release of GPT-4, which is said to be "10x” more advanced than GPT-3. Although the details remain under wraps, estimates suggest GPT-4 might house trillions of parameters. Beyond textual tasks, GPT-4 adds value with its ability to process images and engage in more nuanced dialogues, making it a potent ally for most of your chatbot needs.

Contrasting GPT-3 and GPT-4: The Progress Report

Power of Parameters and Training Data

GPT-4's parameter increase has significantly enhanced its knowledge base and pattern recognition skills. This aspect has resulted in more coherent, creative, and accurate responses than GPT-3. This accuracy of responses has been key for enterprises’ chatbots which rely on it for decision-making.

Embracing Multimodality

GPT-4's upgraded multimodal capability allows it to process text and images, unlike GPT-3's text-only limitation. This makes GPT-4 versatile in interpreting and describing visuals alongside text, enabling it to caption images or summarize research papers with visuals. This feature is not yet fully available due to privacy concerns.

Elevating Accuracy and Minimizing Hallucinations

OpenAI reports that GPT-4 is 40% more accurate and factually consistent than its predecessor. Its improved performance reduces the likelihood of "hallucinating" facts or going off-topic, scoring higher on various human-designed tests in law, math, language, and more.

Mastering Memory and Context

When using the chatbot app on the OpenAI website, GPT-4 can handle inputs of 8,192 tokens vs. 4,096 tokens when using GP 3.5. If you use GPT-4 with APIs to create your enterprise chatbots, the token limit increases to 32,000 tokens (~50 pages of context). This improved capacity allows GPT-4 to maintain more coherent, contextual conversations without losing track of the topic.

Harnessing Multilingual Capabilities

While GPT-3 excels mainly with English and several other key languages, GPT-4 can understand and communicate in over 100 languages proficiently, including Mandarin, Arabic, and Swahili, making it more globally applicable.

Steering with Precision

GPT-4 empowers users with greater control over its tone, personality, and boundaries, allowing for more customization and adherence to specific guidelines. This helps to avoid potentially harmful advice.

The Price for Progress

With increased sophistication comes an increased price tag. The ChatGPT chatbot app powered by GPT 3.5 is free to use. GPT-4 access requires a monthly subscription to ChatGPT Plus, which costs $20. There is also a limit of 50 messages every 3 hours with GPT-4.

The cost difference increases when using the GPT for your chatbot apps via the API. The cost for GPT-4 ranges from $0.03 to $0.12 per 1,000 tokens, whereas GPT-3 costs between $0.0015 to $0.004 per 1,000 tokens. GPT 3.5 is also much faster than GPT-4.  This difference in price and speed when leveraging the API is significant. When creating your chatbot, you should ensure the added cost and reduced speed is worth the additional accuracy and precision that GPT-4 brings.

Room for Growth

Despite the leaps made, GPT-4 has its share of limitations. Its knowledge cutoff is 2021, and it’s still far from being able to replace human intellect. Just like GPT-3, it might generate biased, incorrect, or nonsensical text in some cases, which means high-stakes usage should be validated with care. Also, other models like Claude 2 have additional safety guardrails and perform better than GPT-4 on generating safe content.

In Conclusion: The Future of AI

The arrival of GPT-4 marks a significant evolutionary leap from GPT-3. With its superior accuracy, multimodality, memory, language capabilities, sterility, and more, it is transforming the landscape of AI and chatbot app technologies. However, it is also much more expensive and slower than GPT-3 and will not be the best fit for every use case. As we continue to push the boundaries of AI, tools like GPT-4 are shaping a future where humans and AI collaborate in new and exciting ways.

If you want to try GPT-3 and GPT-4 and compare their outputs, check out our Locusive business chatbot. It’s an AI chatbot that allows you to use GPT-3 or GPT-4 as a search engine to get answers from your internal documents and tools.