Locusive Updates

Signups For The Free Beta Of Our Chatbot And API Are Now Closed

Locusive is closing new signups for our beta product, but we're working on an even more powerful co-pilot for customer success teams that will make it easier for CSMs to manage their customer accounts while also offloading their tedious admin work to AI.
Shanif Dhanani
1.5 minutes

Last year, we opened up Locusive's chatbot and API for free to any organization that wanted to integrate their internal and external data sources with ChatGPT. Our goal was to create the best possible autonomous agent for business users — a virtual assistant that could answer your questions using your trusted data sources, while also allowing you to automate your workflows, minimize tedious tasks, and waste less time. In the past 10 months, we've been delighted to work with these early users to add new features (and fix the occasional bug!) based on their feedback.

Along with learnings from our beta customers (customer success teams within larger organizations), we're now working to incorporate all of their feedback into a comprehensive customer success co-pilot. Our goal is to create a tool that allows you to automate tedious requests (like pulling data, or answering client questions), while also making it easier for you to more proactively drive upsells and reduce churn.

As we build our CSM co-pilot, we're now closing our free beta to new customers. This will allow us to focus on creating features we need for the co-pilot, while also allowing us to more effectively manage costs that come from operating a free product without a paid version.

Existing customers can continue to login to their accounts and use them on an unlimited basis. Thank you for all your early support!

If you have a pressing need or are particularly interested in using Locusive's chatbot and API, just request a demo.

Thanks again to all our early users, and we look forward to creating an even more powerful assistant to help you manage your customers while also handling all of your tedious admin work, search requests, and information lookups!